From April 1, 2007, Telefónica O2 Czech Republic is increasing the speed of ADSL-based Internet considerably in the Czech Republic, bringing it up to 8 Mb/s. This positive step forward means a substantial acceleration of Internet connection speed in the Czech Republic, while preserving existing prices. The new Internet speed for the basic variant will be 2 Mb/s, which is four times more than it is through the current offer. “Of course, increased speeds apply to new as well as current customers,” stated Pavel Jiroušek, Chief Wholesale Segment Officer. With this offer, Telefónica O2 Czech Republic is creating a brand new standard in the field of broadband Internet in the Czech Republic. “We are publishing details about the increased speeds for our customers during the month of March,” stated Vlastimil Srše?, Director of Media Relations, Telefónica O2 Czech Republic, adding, “Customers really have something to look forward to – of course this is being provided for new and current customers, including those who order the Internet Expres service in March. This last group can also take advantage of the current offer of a wireless ADSL modem for one koruna.” The wholesale offer of maximum speeds is changing as follows: Current connection speed Offer as of 1. 4. 2007 512/128 kb/s 2 048/128 kb/s 2048/256 kb/s 4 096/256 kb/s 3072/256 kb/s 6 144/384 kb/s 4096/512 kb/s 8 192/512 kb/s