Grub-without-a-grant Heading off to university? Even if you never iron a shirt for the duration of your degree, you’ll need to learn how to cook. But, with smartphone in hand, not only can you learn on the double, but save money doing so.

If you're a student spendthrift with Masterchef aspirations, read on, and we'll show you how it's done.

Cook in with style, and save
There are plenty of apps packed full of recipes, but our absolute favourite student cooking app is Dinner Spinner, available for iPhone and Android. Pop in the contents of your cupboard, and it'll come up with something tasty you can pull together from that, so nothing goes to waste. Did we mention it's free? 

Want something more advanced? Grab Jamie Oliver's superb 20 Minute Meals app, prop your blower against the wall and learn how to cook like a pro. It's well worth the £5.49 asking price, with high quality graphics and video instructions included.

Local offers
If you can pick up emails on your smartphone, get yourself signed up to the likes of Groupon and kgbdeals in your area. Every day, you'll be hit with offers for services, shops and restaurants in the local area, all at massive discounts. Act quickly though, as these can sometimes sell out rapidly. There are Groupon apps for iPhone, Android and BlackBerry to make bargain hunting even easier. 

Check in and cash in
Sign yourself up to a free location service such as Foursquare, available for iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, Nokia and Palm, and start checking in at your favourite haunts. Many restaurants, bars and cafes offer rewards for frequent visitors: that coffee shop you always go after lectures may even be giving out free drinks for the mayor (The most frequent visitor on Foursquare). The UK is also one of the first countries to offer Facebook Deals, which work along a similar principle. Sign up and see what you can save just by checking in with the smartphone app.

Order on the go
Even if you're a student on a limited budget, you'll want to splash out every once in a while, and in time honoured fashion, it'll doubtless be on a takeaway pizza. But there’s still a way to save money. Grab an app like the Domino's Pizza app for iPhone and Android and you can order straight from your phone, as well as take advantage of any offers on at the time.

Image via pmecologic

Get more for your money with O2 Student deals
Whether youʼre due an O2 upgrade or looking for a new contract, O2 can help you out with brand spanking new student deals. Youʼll need your NUS number to place an order, so have it to hand before calling customer services on 0800 954 1412.

Pay Monthly:
Grab a Pay Monthly mobile, and get £50 credit on any new or upgraded 12, 18 or 24
month contract, no matter which phone or tariff you choose.
Choose between £25 credit on a £15.50, 12 month tariff or £10 credit on a 30 day SIM
only tariff.

Pay & Go:
Save up to £40 on the Samsung Mini, Ace, S and S2.

Mobile Broadband:
Get £20 off any O2 Mobile Broadband starter kit
Pop into any O2 Retail store and get 10% off accessories by showing your NUS ID.

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