By Simon Lloyd (@SMLloyd), European Head of External Communications, Telefonica
We’re delighted to announce that Julius Genachowski (@JGenachowski) and David Miliband (@DMiliband) have agreed to be Keynote Speakers at the Telefónica-Financial Times Millennial Generation Summit which launches on Tuesday, 4 June 2013 in London. It’s then moving on to Sao Paolo in Brazil on 6 June and later in the year to Brussels, the United States and beyond.
The idea of the event is to kick-start a global conversation about adult Millennials and their impact on society. The result is The Global Millennial Survey – the most comprehensive portrait of 18 to 30 year olds ever commissioned.
We are live streaming the event here on 4 June so get involved, tweeting at us using@tefdigital and the hash tag #tefmillennials.
The global survey was conducted earlier this year in 27 countries and will provide thought-provoking insights into the next generation of innovators and help create new digital solutions to solve societal needs such as digital literacy and entrepreneurship.
In London, the former Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Julius Genachowski, will discuss major trends affecting the Millennial. He will be joined by the Rt. Hon. David Miliband – President Designate and CEO of the International Rescue Committee and former UK Foreign Secretary – who will explore what the Millennial generation expects from political leaders, and the impact of technology and government on their lives.
We will also have Joe Gebbia (@jgebbia), Chief Product Officer and Co-Founder, Airbnb, will discuss the Millennial generation as drivers of global change.
We all know that this next generation of leaders is already changing the world. But why are they doing it? What is driving this change, and are they connected to each other globally? These questions – and many more – will be tackled in the coming months as the Telefónica-Financial Times Millennial Generation Summits roll-out across the globe.