Aisha Tenguel.
Today I am feeling rather sorry for myself. Each day brings a new experience, today was using a local toilet in Ecuador.
I seem to have the traveler’s stomach bug, with a combination of lack of toilets, facilities to wash and the heat makes it so much worse. I am also very tired, I have had a very long week but hey it´s FRIDAY… school tomorrow but that doesn’t mean no work!
Tomorrow I will do a little local sight-seeing in the local area where the hotel is before I start planning lessons for next week, and on Sunday there is a big Fiesta in the town of Tenguel. The children in the schools have prepared dances and various other activities; it is like a public holiday that the whole town gets involved with and takes very seriously. They have requested that we go to the fiesta so we can see how they party. The children also get Monday off school but as we are preparing a theatre show (in Spanish) we have convinced some of the children to come in to school to practice.
This morning we finished the greetings with the rest of the classes in the school for the young ones before heading off to watch them play football against a neighboring school – it was the final and our school won wooohhhoooo!!!
This afternoon the three of us are back in the centre with the teenagers setting up emails with the final group – it is not as easy as one may think. They are still new to computers so it is very time consuming.
My tiredness is really kicking in now so I am off to give myself a shake.
Aisha is one of our Pronino volunteers and is blogging from Latin America. To find out more about Proniño, head to