Today was our second day at school and it was brilliant.
Mainly because a little boy gave me an orange as a present. We have been playing a lot of games: eggrace, frisbee, volleyball etc. I have been working with the older ones on the danger of swineflu. They were great and worked it all out themselves – I only had to ask the questins. Malcolm has been giving Rnglish classes and played on his trumpet: heads-shoulders-knees-and toes. It was brilliant. I have been doing meditative painting to classical musik with 3 classes. They were just great and painted for over 1 hour in total silence!
I am looking forward to tomorrow. I am going to be doing craft and with the older ones working on childrens rights and differences between boys and girls.
Hasta luego
Bettina is one of our Pronino volunteers and are
blogging from Latin America. To find out more about Proniño, head to