Hello! Here are the terms for the Brian Blessed personalised voicemail terms and conditions. They’re a bit long so we’ve given them their own article.
Key Terms:
- Competition Dates: The competition will open at 00:01am on Monday 28th January and will finish when the last of each of the promotional phones is purchased or at 00:01am on Monday 4th February (whichever is the earliest) (Closing Date)
- Entry: Entrants must be aged 18 or over. To enter, purchase either a Windows Phone 8S by HTC or Windows Phone 8X by HTC from any O2 direct channel and tweet @O2 to notify us of your purchase.
- Prize: The first 100 customers to purchase either a Windows Phone 8X by HTC or Windows Phone 8S from HTC on O2 between 28 January and 4th February and tweet @O2 to confirm their purchase will each receive a personalised voicemail message for their phone from Brian Blessed. They will be able to use this as their voicemail greeting.
- This Competition is open to UK residents, excluding employees of O2, or any of its subsidiary companies, their families, agents or anyone else connected with this promotion. No third party entries, bulk entries or entries submitted by agents will be accepted. O2 reserves the right to verify the eligibility of entrants. O2 may require such information as it considers reasonably necessary for the purpose of verifying the eligibility of an entry and the prize may be withheld until and unless O2 is satisfied with the verification.
- Only one entry per mobile phone purchased is allowed. Entries not complying with these terms and conditions will be invalid.
- The Competition runs during the Competition Dates until the specified Closing Date. Entries received after this date and time will not be entered into the Competition.
- The instructions provided at the point of entry form part of the terms & conditions of this Competition and in the event of a conflict, these terms & conditions take precedence.
- To enter the competition, entrants must purchase either a Windows Phone 8X by HTC or a Windows Phone 8S by HTC during the promotional period and tweet @O2 to say they have purchased it with hashtag #brianmail. Those tweeting will be contacted by us in order to verify they have purchased the phone from an O2 store and they will need to provide evidence to prove they have purchased the phone from O2, for example privately sending us a picture of their receipt. Each successful applicant will be notified within a reasonable time after their tweet.
- The winner(s) will be selected in accordance with the criteria set out above. Each winner will be notified within a reasonable time after the Closing Date by telephone and they will be provided with a link to a website which they will have to visit to fill in their details. In order to be eligible to receive their prize customers must register their details within seven days of being contacted by O2. The prize is awarded conditionally upon acceptance and if a winner is unable to be contacted after a reasonable period or if any prize is unclaimed or declined within a reasonable period, the prize shall be deemed as unclaimed or unaccepted and a supplementary winner may be drawn at O2’s discretion.
- O2 will not be responsible for any inability of a prize winner to take up the specified prize.
- The lucky recipients of the personalised voicemail messages will have them recorded based on the name and details submitted on the winner’s website. O2 accepts no responsibility for inaccuracies in the message or failure to deliver it if the winner provides inaccurate details on the website. O2 retains final editorial control over the content of the voicemail messages. The message will be uploaded onto O2’s voicemail system by O2 and will be provided to the winner as an MP4 file. When O2 provides this message it will overwrite the winners existing voicemail message. By participating in this competition entrants consent to this happening. If the winner subsequently deletes or removes the voicemail message it will be lost and O2 will not provide it again.
- Prizes will be issued after the first 14 days after purchase of the phone to allow for the change of mind/cooling off period. Customers who return their phone during this period will not be eligible for a prize and an alternate winner will be chosen from the list of people who purchased a Windows Phone 8S by HTC or Windows Phone 8X by HTC during the promotional period.
- Unless otherwise expressly stated, where the prize requires attendance at a specific venue, the winner and any permitted companions will be solely responsible for travel to and from the venue and all other expenses. O2 assumes no responsibility and is not liable for any costs, charges or expenses which winners may be required to pay at any time in connection with a Prize. Any additional terms of entry specified by the venue will also apply which, in the case of events at The O2, can be viewed online at http://www.theo2.co.uk/web/guest/termsandconditions.
- O2 reserves the right to provide substitute prize(s) of similar value should the specified prize(s) become unavailable for reasons beyond its control. Cash or credit alternatives will not be offered. None of the prizes are transferable. Events may occasionally be cancelled for reasons outside O2’s control. O2 will endeavour to promptly update any relevant information but cannot issue refunds for texts sent or calls made before this occurs (where applicable). O2 will not be liable for any change of date or venue or cancellation of any event.
- O2 accepts no responsibility for incorrectly completed, lost or delayed entries, notices, acceptances, tickets or other documents related to the Prize(s).
- In the event of fraud, abuse, and/or an error affecting the proper operation of this Competition, including the allocation of more prizes than are available, O2 reserves the right to end or suspend the Competition; amend these terms & conditions; declare void the notification of winner(s); and/or to allocate available prizes by conducting a simple draw from all wrongly allocated winners.
- If any provision of these terms and conditions is held invalid by any law, rule, order or regulation of any government, or by the final determination of any court of a competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the enforceability of any other provisions not held to be invalid.
- The winner(s) may be required to participate in publicity connected with this Competition and it is a condition of entry that the winner(s) agree to their name and country of residence being made publicly available if they win.
- The names of the major winner(s) may be obtained by sending a signed handwritten request along with a stamped self-addressed envelope detailing your request to the PR Team, Telefónica UK Limited, 260 Bath Road, Slough SL1 4DX, and marked with the name of the Competition.
- Entrants’ data will be collected, stored and processed for the purposes of administering and assessing this Competition. If a prize includes tickets to an event then for the purpose of administering the ticket allocation, O2 reserves the right to exchange information and data regarding tickets and applications with third party ticket providers and/or service providers.
- O2’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
- O2 reserves the right to suspend, cancel or amend the promotion and/or review and revise these terms and conditions at any time without giving prior notice and by continuing to take part in the promotion subsequent to any revision of these terms and conditions, entrants shall be deemed to have agreed to any such new or amended terms.
- This promotion is governed by English Law and is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.
- The promoter of this Competition is Telefónica UK Limited, 260 Bath Road, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 4DX (“O2”).