On ‘snow day’ last year, an extra 200,000 people watched Jeremy Kyle*. And this year, the show started to trend on Twitter as soon as the first snow began to fall. It’s only a guess, but it looks like there are still a lot of companies out there that can’t help their employees work productively from home.
At O2, we were pretty well-prepared for snowmageddon. Last year, to test our business readiness we emptied our office of over 2500 staff for the day and got almost everyone to work from home. Our experiment worked, we saw some great results, and we’re going to celebrate its anniversary by opening the debate up to you.
On 8 February we’ll be having our first tweet chat. You can have your say on anything to do with flexible working: your thoughts, your problems, your doubts. There’ll be a panel of our experts on hand between Midday and 1pm to give their views and answer your questions.
The experiment was a success for us. It changed our behaviours, made us more sustainable and showed how consumerisation is a secure and safe option. We’d like to show you how you could do the same. You’ll be amazed by the results.
So if you fancy joining us, you can find us on Twitter @O2BusinessUK and on the day via #O2flexitweet.
Next year, flexible working might not do Jeremy Kyle any favours if there’s another snow day. But that can only be a good thing.
* SOURCE: http://www.neardesk.com/