Hello everybody, hope you are all doing well over there.
We passed a wonderful weekend visiting some ruins of the Maya, the Pacific ocean, a lake, the cascades and a typical market. It was fantastic.
On Monday was our last day with the first school. We had a very emotional farewell at Los Lucas. They played the national anthym of Ireland, Spain and Germany for us, some held a speech ond others danced. We were given paintings and letters, hugs and kisses from many children. It was so hard to say goodbye, and I will always remember these clever, open-minded and happy children.
Today we passed the first day at the second school, Los Arenales. The children are very interested in learning something about our countries. You can't imagine the noise they produce when playing basketball and football :-). The children love taking pictures with our cameras, and it is amazing how quickly they learn.
Muchos besos y un abrazo fuerte de Juayua.
Julia is one of our Pronino volunteers and is blogging from Latin
America. To find out more about Proniño, head to