London. O2 today announces it has won the exclusive UK network rights to offer the ProntoForms mobile application for six months. The app, a £13 million development from TrueContext Corporation, allows firms to easily create and deploy a host of forms on a smartphone including timesheets, site reports, work schedules, orders, assessments, which previously had to be completed on paper.
With the ProntoForms application, businesses will be able to access the latest state-of-the-art data collection capability for smartphones and other devices including BlackBerry, iPhone, iPad plus Android and Windows Mobile based devices.
The application has a number of industry-leading features which allow users to add photographs, signatures, voice notes and bar code readings. In addition, all sensitive data can be wiped from mobile handheld units once the information is electronically transferred to a secure server, ensuring that field data always remains confidential if a device is accidentally lost or stolen.
By doing this deal O2 is continuing its strategy of creating added value for customers by providing additional productivity gains to support the investments businesses are making in new smart devices.
Billy D’arcy, Head of Corporate for O2 in the UK said: ‘Having robust solutions is a key reason why business customers come to the O2 network. It is our aim to deliver a solution that will save businesses time and money and can be deployed securely and quickly without disrupting a company’s IT infrastructure. The simplicity of the ProntoForms application and the additional security that is built in were just two of the reasons we wanted to support it in the UK.’
Using award-winning Patented technology, the ProntoForms application allows firms to easily deploy all manner of forms capturing data both on or offline, transmitting the information when signal is available.
A variety of different handsets can be used across multiple networks and ProntoForms can verify, when, where and at what time the data was captured using a GPS Stamp. New intelligent forms can be developed and deployed within minutes and forms can be pre-filled with customer information, job details and product listings.
Alvaro Pombo, CEO and Founder of ProntoForms, added: ‘The benefits are especially attractive in these tough financial times as it reduces the costs, errors and delays of paper reporting while adding improved time and location tracking and the immediacy of information for billing, resolution of issues or timely deployment of products and services.’