November 9th marked World Adoption Day: an annual day to shine a light on voices in the adoption community, and to share the stories of those who have been on the journey of adoption.
Every year, around 3,000 children in the UK are adopted, and every adoption journey is different. At Virgin Media O2, we have an adoption leave policy which is available to all our people, allowing them to take up to 52 weeks of leave, up to which 39 are paid.
John Burgess, our Senior Data Product Manager, shares his adoption story below:
“My partner and I have always been open about the fact that we want to have a child, creating a lifetime of memories together as a family. Exactly like other people do, just via the adoption route.
“For us, adoption was always the path to starting a family, giving a child a loving home and opportunities they may not have had otherwise. We are fortunate to have several friends who have adopted, and observing their journeys — the ups and the downs — really cemented our decision to pursue adoption. It’s been invaluable hearing their stories and experiences.
“We initially started our adoption journey attending an open evening at our local council. But after further research and recommendations from friends, we pursued adoption through a private agency (at no cost to us) who are based in Birmingham. The agency has been great at providing advice, and they offer lifelong support for both adopters and children who have been adopted. The support they offer comes in different forms, such as a yearly family day where all families who have adopted through the agency come together for a celebratory day.
“After starting the process in 2022 and going through various checks, multiple stages of panel interviews, and attending a variety of networking sessions, the agency found us a match – a gorgeous three-year-old boy.
As a Virgin Media O2 employee, I’m eligible for 52 weeks of leave made up of:
“As per the Virgin Media O2 adoption policy, I’ve also been able to take time away from work to attend adoption appointments, such as panel dates, house assessments, training, and meetings with social workers and children, treating these as I would medical appointments.
“Often children who are adopted have special education needs (SEN) and different forms of trauma. It’s reassuring to know that the Bupa support, which all VMO2 employees have access to, will be there to help guide myself and my family if needed in the future.
“My advice for anyone who’s looking to adopt, is to do your research to work out which option is best for you. Speak to as many people as you can who have adopted – most are more than willing to share their experiences and journey. This background research was key as it gave us so much insight and real-life examples to work from. We decided that we wanted the option to adopt children from all around the UK not just within our county, therefore going through our local authority was not the right pathway for us but was for many others we spoke with. It can be a long journey, but incredibly worth it.
“I will forever be grateful to Virgin Media O2 for the incredible support I’ve received in both the lead-up to and during my adoption leave. Their adoption policy demonstrates a genuine commitment to inclusivity and family support. It’s truly refreshing to work for a company that values adoptive parents equally to those on maternity leave, allowing us to fully focus on our new families without added worries. Thank you for championing all paths to parenthood!”